Thursday, October 4, 2007

Bulletin #5 - October

Alexya G. and Nichole A. prepare their chosen plant species. They will each be writing species profiles over the course of the next month.

Bulletin #4 - October

Students in first block plan one of their writing assignments based on the documentary, “Life in the Undergrowth.” Once this early assignment is fully complete, they will be finishing their first species profiles. Further, they are planning an October field trip to New York City’s Botanical Gardens ( and the Bronx Zoo (, which will also carry a research-driven writing component for the exhibit.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bulletin #3 - September

Cody B. hands the on-duty sheriff a plate of three different barbecue samples. Cody created each of these unique, southern-style recipes in preparation of the cultural cuisine cookbook for social studies. His research will be included in the upcoming exhibit. The reviews from Cody's creations were fantastic. He was the first student to complete his portion of the competition cook-off.

Bulletin #2 - September

Nichole A. prepares a transparency sheet for her insect portion of the exhibit. She will be writing species profiles and caption cards for the month of October and then moving on to create a different exhibit on carnivorous plants.